Eating Disorders
Do you have an unhealthy relationship with food?
Do You…
- feel out of control when eating or about your food choices?
- always think about your next meal?
- eat in secret or avoid eating with others?
- struggle to make desired lifestyle changes?
- consider yourself an emotional eater?
- let your weight or what you eat determine how you feel about yourself?
- have difficulty being present with your emotions and in your life?
“We eat the way we eat because we are afraid to feel what we feel.”
G. Roth
Disordered Eating & Treatment
While only a percentage of people meet the strict criteria for an eating disorder, the vast majority of Americans can be classified as having disordered eating. Unfortunately our society and medical system promote this “dieting behavior” as healthy when it is anything but. In fact, dieting is the number one risk factor in developing both obesity and an eating disorder. Because of this, an unhealthy relationship with food and our bodies isn’t always obvious. At it’s core, disordered eating is about more than simply cutting out sweets. It’s basing your self worth on what you eat, what the scale reads, and/or what other people say. It’s about there being a right and wrong way to eat, to move, to live. It involves eating and moving in ways that do not fully honor your needs – physically or mentally.
Spotted Rabbit’s treatment approach for disordered eating is rooted in intuitive eating and HAES (health at every size) with a focus on building self-worth and living a life aligned with your own personal values. We find that those that struggle with food related behaviors have many things in common, such as: serving as emotional or physical caretakers for others; devaluing themselves and their needs; having poor emotional regulation or avoidance; identifying as perfectionists, workaholics, and overachievers; having poor interpersonal relationships and a strained relationship with family of origin; and a history of emotional neglect or other trauma or abuse. What started as a way to cope with intense and distressing emotions has now become its own problem, particularly with regard to health, relationships, and personal happiness. Using a trauma-informed approach our therapists will help you determine the root causes of your disordered eating and work to resolve these issues at the source. We’ll work on helping you sit with difficult feelings and identify unmet needs that keep you stuck in nervous system dysregulation. We’ll explore what healthy relationships look like and practice setting boundaries with ourselves and others in order to prioritize our own self-care. If you are looking to end the dieting cycle and reduce emotional eating Spotted Rabbit therapists can help you reconnect with your mind and body, be less obsessed with food, and feel more in control of your life.
meet the team
Intuitive Eating Specialists
Shawn Shannon-Missal, LCAT-P
Rivka Polisky, LCAT
Lyrah Wallace, LCAT
Kit Shulman, LCAT
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